By Vici Francoies
The world is spinning, it seems out of control.
Few seem to care for their very soul!
People are filled with such anger and hate,
They don’t stop to think about their ending fate.
As in times of Joshua singing around Jericho‘s wall,
Let’s show our faith in the Lord, and keep standing tall!
Make sure that your armor is on and it’s straight.
Be ready to meet Jesus at the puerile gate!
Only prayers will bring down the enemies wall,
So keep praying to God, the rock of us all!
Fear and Hate are being felt in all places!
You can see it in everyone’s faces.
For all who feel satin’s arrows coming to your places!
I pray God protects you with all of His graces.
To fight these arrows the enemy slings.
Praise God for His blessings that He brings!
This will break the enemies grin,
Giving you a clear path to win!
By Vici Francoies
I was doing so well in the eyes of the least it seemed like it right from the start.
That was before things changed in a whirl, That’s when I gave Jesus my heart!
Toxic Mold is what happened to me, that’s what changed it all.
That’s what took me to my knees & and I finally answered His call.
The road has been tough I have to admit…It’s hard to see the through the long tunnel.
But I’m so very happy that I never quit! He keeps me going the right way just like a funnel.
We followed His call and moved from the mainland… to the beautiful Kona beaches,
He called us here to share His Love and give just what He teaches.
When Covid hit it made it so hard to stay fit, feeding my body, mind & soul.
I’ve posted my thoughts of how I get through and it helps me to feel whole.
It’s been more 5 years sense my life changed, completely changed with mold,
I’m doing so much better now that I’ve learned His love is worth far more than Gold!
Just like with Job when he lost everything, God gave him back his hearts desire.
God’s gift is worth far more than gold, for His gift saves us from the lake of fire!
By Vici Francoies
Have you ever looked at something & only one word comes to mind?
It’s WOW for me, there’s another that others may find.
Have you ever thought about finally getting home?
Have you thought about the Glory of God on His throne?
I can’t help but wonder if when I get home at last
Will my questions all be answered or will my words pour out too fast?
Will I instantly know that time has stood still?
That time no longer matters and it no longer will?
There will be no more chatter running in my head...
I can quiet my mind as I sit quietly and be fed.
When I think of the gift God gave me & how,
It changed everything all I can say is WOW!
By Vici Francoies
Come follow me and you will see, all of the visions that we find!
As we travel & shop, we’ll take time to stop & show the beauty of every kind!
From Kona to Bullhead, we go where were lead,
making memories that are here to stay!
Follow us as we share from here to there the beauty along the way!
By Vici Francoies
I know I was born here…
Just like you.
I want you to know,
I’m just passing through.
I’m following Jesus,
I’m one of the few.
I do this each day,
Keeping Heaven in view
How about you?
Are you being true,
Are you living for this world?
Or are you passing through?
By Vici Francoies
Always remember and never forget,
When we help others our own needs are met.
Jesus came not to be served but to serve,
It seems we all want much more than we deserve.
We forget that He came and DIED on that cross,
To forgive us our sins so we won’t be lost.
He asked us one thing-one thing to do!
Share His love with others until He comes for you.
His word plainly tells us no matter what we face.
To trust in His guidance and keep with His pace.
We seem to rush in to what we think is right,
Without waiting on Him & trusting His timing is right.
How should I feel when I see despair everywhere?
I’m told in God's Word that through it all, its Jesus I must share.
By Vici Francoies
Can you imagine how it will be on that day, when Jesus calls us home?
Imagine the day we see God sitting on His throne!
From the pearly white gates down the streets of liquid gold,
leading us to the emerald rainbow, seeing all that’s foretold!
Imagine our new life with no pain or sorrow,
with never a worry about tomorrow.
Imagine the things God has for us to behold!
From the huge pearly gates to the streets of gold!
It will be so much more than we can foresee,
When Jesus takes us home, you and me!
Visiting family and friends as we rejoice in heaven,
Singing praises to God forever for all we’ve been given!
Imagine no worry of this good time ever ending,
For He has given us all a new beginning!
By Vici Francoies
I need a savior this is true.
And only Jesus will ever do.
I need a healer from the inside out.
My physician is Jesus without a doubt!
I need protection from the enemy’s snares
Jesus is my protecter He always cares.
I need a defender in my wars each day
My defender is Jesus, there is no safer way.
I need a provider for my daily needs.
Jesus will provide if we only ask Him please.
I need to be rescued from this world of crime.
I know Jesus will save me, just in the nick of time.
By Vici Francoies
I loved you way back then & I still love you now.
But your love has now grown so cold somehow.
When I asked God “Why?? I thought we would be friends when we are old?”
He said because “the love of many will grow cold”
It’s true the road is narrow and found only by the few who look.
The road map is found only in His Holy Book.
God tells us He is the Same yesterday, today and forever!
Don’t take the wide road thinking you are being so cleaver.
We have to follow His Holy Book with all of our heart, mind & soul.
Only then, in this glittering world, will that narrow road start to show.
By Vici Francoies
It was 2020 when Covid Hit
Making it hard for us to stay fit.
Starting 2021 off on a run!
Time to get out looking for some fun!
Join us as we are looking to find,
All over the Island, beauty of every kind!
By Vici Francoies
In 2020 we had to stay home.
It’s time to start a new chapter and poem.
I’ve been stuck in a Covid Coma.
Time to leave behind all of this drama!
As we’re all waking up from this coma that lasted the whole year,
Let’s get ready for a great awakening and give 2021 a big cheer!!
By Vici Francoies
Today on the news they spread fear and dread
They are trying to stifle our right to be fed.
When the saints are told that it’s illegal to sing,
It’s time for us to raise our voices to the King!
“I will sing unto the Lord as this I can give,
I will declare His song so others can live .”
Oh sing a new song to our Lord today,
singing the song as you kneel and pray.
Sing to the God of creation,
Make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
By Vici Francoies
Dear Jesus as I wake up today,
Before I open my eyes I just want to say.
Thank you for waking me with thoughts of You!
And for going with me in all that I do.
As I go though my day and I cross others path,
Let me remember to share with them something that will last.
Help me to remember that I’ve been there too.
What they are going through, I’ve been in their shoes.
From having plenty too barely enough,
In easy times & when times are tough.
From planning and cooking menu’s for all who came.
To being the one standing in food lines in shame.
I was a leader who hired and fired.
Now I in my age I am forced to retire!
I’ve been treated with respect and also despised,
That is when I finally realized.
I’m not going through anything new,
Everything I go through, You’ve been there too!
No matter what comes in the future I pray,
Please keep my eyes on Heaven & not worry about today.
For I know the road is narrow and the Devil is tricky,
And I know You are Holy & Very Picky.
I want to hear Well Done child Well Done,
Come get your reward for a job Well Done.
By Vici Francoies
Dear Heavenly Father, as I wake up with you,
I cry out for your help Lord, I have so much to do!
I can't seem to slow the thoughts swirling in my head,
I need your sweet guidance as I get out of my bed.
Please give me your strength Lord, as I prepare for today.
Even though my own doubts, Lord, often get in the way.
I know with your help Lord that I can get through,
This long list of things that I feel I must do.
Please fill my thoughts Lord, & keep control of my mind,
So I can leave all this worry behind.
Your word tells me I have one thing to do.
Face one day at a time, & keep my eyes on you.
Thank you Jesus for your saving grace!
Please stay with me while I’m in this place.
Yes, I’m looking forward to the future its true!
For I'm looking forward to being with you!
By Vici Francoies
Dear Jesus, where do I start!
You know I love you with all my heart.
When I was still lost in sin.
You opened up & you let me in.
There is no possible way,
That this debt, I can ever repay.
Help me to always follow through,
with what you’ve called me, what.
What YOU called me to do!
Make me stronger every day.
So I can stand firm in every way!
I walk in faith in what I do..
Until at last I can be with you!
As my prayers go up your blessings come down,
They come down flowing all around.
So I pray every day,
for there is no other way!
By Vici Francoies
One day at a time Lord, I'm leaning on you
I'm leaning on you Lord to see me through
You stand by me Lord Your love is so true
I can trust You Lord In everything I go through.
Help me see what you see Lord. Help me do what you do.
Help me always stay close Lord,
Help me alway be true.
By Vici Francoies
Where are you at my Lord
I can’t feel you.
I need you now Lord, I appeal to you.
I’ve seen death today
I’ve seen despair
Please come near Lord, this is my prayer!
Your help is on the way, I will not fear.
I feel you now my Lord, You are so near!
Your with me now my Lord &
You’ve always been.
Ever sense you saved me from my life of sin.
You’re with me now & you won’t leave
As long as I only believe.
By Vici Francoies
Good night Jesus, thanks for today.
Before I close my eyes, I just want to say,
As I rest giving all my cares to you,
while I sleep, Please fill my soul anew.
Cleanse my mind of today,
Make me yours in every way.
As I sleep in your protection,
Please fill my dreams with your directions.
Fill me deep with your sweet song,
And help me keep my armor strong!
As I sleep please guide my way.
In Jesus name I humbly pray.
By Vici Francoies
May 2021
Here I am awake in the middle of the night,
I can’t sleep and it’s not even light.
I try to pray and keep my eyes closed,
My mind starts to spin and off it goes!
I start thinking of the things that need my attention
Inside of my brain is a thought convention!!
As the clock slowly ticks and the night turns to day
I pray my thoughts turn to action as I stay focused and pray!
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